Pets are good for children's health

(Naturalness) the New York Times recently came from out with an article entitled the lives of Fido and whiskers can enrich children? And consulted various medical researchers and scientists in this clause, which begs the question: Search in truth requires money to spend on this kind of question?

It is a single mother to write an article on this subject, especially a real experience coming. But asking scientists and professionals who are looking for children and pets, the view, as if the fact completely invisible to anyone who bothers to watch instead of riches.

This is the story of the actual life that illustrates the absurdity. A young family who lives in a big city College was a pre-teen son, a dog and two cats. And the father was a professor of college and mother ran out of the small political fundraising in their home. The son asked, MOM, animal feelings? After a light pause, he replied, I don't know, dear, science has yet understood.

In relying on the science or the power to determine what needs to be observed or perceived through the experience of our cultural imbalance.

Help animals survive in good shape and that the animal can help you with emotion

It is one of the reasons, among others, that children should have a pet or a pet. Animals, especially dogs, really stick with the members of the human family. Notably the children can learn the responsibility of care and compassion, because they consider that the facts. (Yes, even cats and dogs) have feelings.

Single of the doctors consulted in the article above comment seen animals, domestic and offer emotional support to children. While children come home from school or game, dog greeting it with happiness. It is noted as a true event by anyone with a dog is worth, especially one who was saved from an animal shelter or the streets.
However, the doctor, such behavior is ridiculous with the suggestion that happy animals, because you might have a food treat. It is often just not correct. This has dealt with different animals from horses to pets, parrots, dogs and cats. They show gratitude for the help and good company. They are not 'traditional' body language, given that most of the "experts" say that favors.
Of course, some cats and dogs can be a little, just like humans. Let veterinarians or maximize the graft can exacerbate this behavior and pet health. Dogs need exercise, or they will get angry.
Need for the efforts, and his pet accepted habits of a canal or convince them out all bad. Leave the child with care and training of the family pet can assist children develop characters by applying forgivingness and patient with the appropriate packages.

Lot scientists who research animals and sometimes even different living animal trainers, non-human creatures are far from true feelings or emotions because they are on the touch. It is that their heart closed, touching animals in their claim to keep.

In the sense in which humans often animals come from emotionally so they deceive fellow of humanity. A more precise sense of compassion children shows their hearts open to bond with a dog, cat or a different animal. Pentecostal tries to ease sad or upset people. Children can use a break from the tension while you have problems with different people.

The animal is not appropriate for all children. But for many, they are fun to play with. It is interesting and a pleasure to have around. Who is in good health and does not need a research team

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