Home Nursing
information and presentation
care is to allow patients and their homes to sustain their self-regard and independence.
Depending on the National Association in home care, there's more than 7 million
people inward the United States who needs services to place the nurse of health
due to acute illness and long-term ill health, sickness or permanent disability.
The basic principle
of home care
exercise in a measure of places: the hospital, nursing care, served lasting
centers and House's attention. Theorizing house is a growing phenomenon, more
patients and their family members to take advantage of care at home. And House
dates from health care comes by “common health nursing" as public health
nurses make visits home to promote education to health and care in the context
of a community of interests outreach plans. Today the Academy of preparing
plans for home care nurses and nurses, health, home position with the patient
and their family, based on the qualifications and experience of the nurse. In
many cases, there is a relationship between the agency and institution.
changes took place in the field of home care. It is payment of medical care
insurance and Medicaid, long-term care and certification. It's important to
nurse, nursing authority, be aware of a lot agents involved in these patterns
and regulations arising from these organizations. Population and demographic
changes are likewise. Child baby Boomer approaching retreat and will present
fresh challenges as the house health care industry. Applied science and medical
care in hospitals could lead to shorter stays in hospital and rehabilitation
home more. Are also increases in outpatient medical procedures with follow-up
home care? This has cut the mortality rate of these technologies, and remedial
care may lead to increased morbidity and chronic disease that makes the need
for care home nursing care at a higher priority.